Agnieszka Dobrowolska and Jarosław Dobrowolski
Conservation architects Agnieszka Do-browolska and Jarosław Dobrowolski are partners in the Cairo-based practice ARCHiNOS Architecture (www.archinos. com). In 2008-9 Agnieszka directed conservation of the sabil-kuttab of Mustafa III with funding from the Dutch Embassy and the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo (NVIC). She is also co-author of Muhammad ‘Ali Pasha and His Sabil (2004, AUC Press) and author of The Building Crafts of Cairo (2005, AUC Press); Jarosław is author of The Living Stones of Cairo (2001, AUC Press) and they jointly authored Heliopolis: Rebirth of the City of the Sun (2006, AUC Press).